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Access to Capital: Funding Your Business 101
11651 Conant, Hamtramck (upstairs)
Hamtramck, MI
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Access to Capital: Funding Your Business 101
Join Global Detroit, in partnership with Bank of America, for a new series of workshops curated to help business owners learn about financial management and how to grow their business.

The purpose of this three part workshop series is to empower small business owners in securing capital through grants or loans. This series of events is designed to progressively guide business owners through essential steps, starting with legal filing for their business, followed by building credit, managing cash flow, understanding profit and loss statements, and comprehending lender criteria. Whether preparing for a loan or grant, this series is invaluable for all business owners, even those initially uninterested in loans.

Session 1: Starting and Managing your Business to Build Business Credit
Understand the main elements of business-related finances, such as budgeting, saving, borrowing money, and managing debt; discuss common reasons why small businesses fail and how to set yourself up for success

Session 2: Understanding Cashflow Management and Banking Documents
Maintaining a healthy cash flow can help ensure that you have cash available for your needs today and in the long term. As well as best practices for correctly documenting this. It is essential for every business.

Session 3: Understanding Lender Criteria and Accessing Funding
A review of what to consider when applying for financing to close the gap, and it's important to understand what lenders look for when evaluating a loan application. This last session is VIRTUAL ONLY.

This series is facilitated in collaboration with Bank of America.


11651 Conant, Hamtramck (upstairs) (Ver)
11651 Conant
Hamtramck, MI 48212
United States
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Organizador: Global Detroit
En BPT desde: Mar 05, 2024
Marcellous Weaver


This event is being held on the second floor of the building, without an elevator. Please note handicap accessibility is limited.

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