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Writing Tips: Speak The Readers Language
Martha Ellen Drive
Reno, NV
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Oct 01, 2029 8:00 PM

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Writing Tips: Speak The Readers Language
Maybe its a sign of the times we live in, but no one really wants to read that and this can be a quick way to lose your audience  I dont need to tell you why thats a bad idea.

Whether youre writing a blog post, article, some web content or a sales piece, one of the most important things any writer can do is to speak his audiences language. If you dont do that, the only thing you can write that will keep people reading is something they have to read like a textbook or something similar. No one is going to read a sales pitch featuring words like forsooth or extemporaneous and no one is going to read a blog post about the latest SEO news if its written like a university essay  its just not going to happen. In the vast majority of writing jobs, your success or failure will depend on your ability to speak the readers language.

Speak The Readers Language

Its all well and good telling you that youve got to speak the language of your audience, but how do you go about doing that? Unfortunately, 90% of the time, thats going to involve some legwork. Depending on the job in hand, this can be as simple as reading a few books in a similar vein to what youre working on, getting on the phone to the client youre writing for and finding out how they see themselves, or as complicated as going to a few events and getting to know some people in that particular field. Out in the real world, writing is rarely a solitary pursuit.

There are lots of different ways that you can learn to speak your readers language and youll probably either have your own ways of doing things or find your own. How you get there isnt important, just that you do. Adaptability is the strongest asset a writer can have, especially if you work in marketing or similar.

Eliminate Your Ego

Unless your writing career is spent on novels or similar, chances are, much of your work will be for someone else and the best you can hope for is that they recognise you do a good job. The ego stroking in this game comes from people telling you that theyre happy with what youve done, not necessarily how many big words you can work into something. Theres nothing wrong with giving yourself the odd challenge to get a word in here and there if it helps keep you sane, but speaking your audiences language is absolutely vital. If the long words dont fit, cut them out and dont let your ego get in the way of the message.


Martha Ellen Drive (Ver)
Reno, NV 89501
United States
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