Everyone is flocking to Sinead OBriens 5-star Edinburgh Fringe hit No One Is Coming, from Fairplay Productions and Poor Mouth Theatre Company. Heralded as a storytelling masterclass by To Do List London, No One Is Coming is a dark comedy of mythical proportions about a daughter and mothers turbulent relationship. Fusing old Irish folklore with modern day mammy issues to process her mothers mental health, this is the peripatetic Irish theater makers first full solo show (though she has been on the storytelling circuit in the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands), and boy is it a doozy! Directed by Labhaoise Magee (for sure worth the trek to the Irish enclave in Riverdale An Beal Bocht, home of Poor Mouth Theatre Company.
An Beal Bocht Cafe (Ver)
445 West 238th Street
Bronx, NY 10463
United States