Performed by The Bellevue College Concert Choir, Federal Way Chorale, and Pacific Chamber Orchestra Thomas Almli, Conductor Featuring Gloria in D by Antonio Vivaldi
DESCRIPTION: The Bellevue College Concert Choir, Federal Way Chorale, and Pacific Chamber Orchestra Thomas Almli, Conductor will present their annual Winter Masterworks concert. This year we are proud to feature Vivaldis Gloria in D RV 589, and other selections showcasing the collaboration of the two choirs and our Chamber Orchestra. Please join us for an evening of great music and celebration.
PERFORMANCE DATE: March 22, 2025 | 4:30 PM PST
VENUE: Carlson Theatre Bellevue College, Building E, Room E200
ADMISSION PRICE: $10 General Admission $5 Students, Veterans, Seniors, and BC Employees
PARKING: Parking is Free in Lot 14 for patrons.
General public day parking is located in Lot 12. It is $3 for all-day parking. There are handicapped parking in Lot 12 and Lot 14.
People with student/staff/faculty parking permits can park in any of those lots.