Trailblazer Student Productions presents "Nunsense!"
Synopsis: "Nunsense" is a hilarious musical comedy that tells the story of the Little Sisters of Hoboken. After a cooking accident causes the untimely demise of 52 sisters, the surviving nuns must quickly raise funds to cover the burial costs. To do so, they put on a talent show filled with music, dance, and plenty of laughs. The result is a rollicking and heartwarming show that delights audiences of all ages.
Genre: Musical Comedy
Director: Brayden Plumb Music Director: Hannah Hurst Choreographer: Logan Bane
Duration: approx. 2 hours (including intermission)
Performance Dates: Friday August 9th at 7:30pm Saturday August 10th at 2pm & 7:30pm Sunday August 11th at 2pm
Venue Address: DDSO Parkway Theatre 5051 47th Ave Sacramento, CA 95824
UbicaciónDDSO Parkway Theatre (Ver)
5051 47th Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95824
United States
Apropiado para niños: Sí |
Se aceptan perros: No |
No fumar: Sí |
Accesible a silla de ruedas: Sí |