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Art Workshop in celebration of Mexican Independance Day!
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This is not about perfection, if you have materials at home bring that. If you have extra time and want to purchase some pretty sparkly paper because that sets your heart on fire then do that! This is all about having fun so bring your cafecito to class this Saturday and expect a good time.


Art Workshop in celebration of Mexican Independance Day!
Art Therapy Workshop: Mexican Independence

Saturday, September 16, 2023

10:00am - 11:30am

Cost: $65 (Zoom)

In this workshop we will review an assortment of Mexican artists such as Jose Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera to better understand the world during the time Mexico found its independence!

We will then utilize examples of captivating art to guide our own creativity and better understand how this history impacts the psyche of Latinos in modern times.

In creating our own artworks, inspired by these greats, we will uncover some of our own emotional truths through the art we make.

Please understand that being an artist is not necessary to participate in these workshops! Everyone will benefit from the workshop equally emotionally regardless of art outcome.

These workshops are not about becoming an artist but rather understanding art on a deeper level and learning how to utilize expressive techniques to benefit yourself emotionally whenever you need.

Come celebrate Mexican Independence on September 16th

Limited seats available, and seats fill fast so RSVP today!



Zona horaria: America/Denver
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Organizador: IMRU2
En BPT desde: Sep 07, 2023


Please enter your email address as this class will be live on Zoom. Access to the zoom room will be emailed 1 hour prior to class.

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