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Mindfulness Practices for Getting Pronouns Right
Zoom - online conference
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October 14, 5:30-7pm Central / 6:30-8pm Eastern via Zoom

You want to support trans community members and create trans-inclusive spaces, and you know that calling people the right pronouns is an important part of that. But no matter how much you try, you keep slipping up and using the wrong pronoun anyway. What can you do?

Or: You're  doing a good job with inclusion of trans folks who use he/him/his or she/her/hers, but something about nonbinary identities or singular they pronouns keeps tripping you up.

Or even: You're doing fine aloud, but in your head you sometimes catch yourself thinking about gender in a way that you don't really believe in.

This is the workshop for you.

Based on decades of experience teaching about trans inclusion, and a little bit of research on the side, Davey Shlasko has developed a set of practices to help you put your good intentions into action, and probably unravel some unconscious binary gender assumptions in the process.

This workshop can be helpful for anyone who's in community with trans folks, whether as a teacher, service provider, family member or neighbor. We especially welcome teachers of yoga and other body/mind practices.

Accessibility notes:
To access this workshop you will need a stable internet connection and a device with a camera and microphone. If you're not used to this kind of online environment, don't worry - we'll help you figure it out!
We aim to keep the sessions accessible to the widest possible range of people. For example, almost all lecture content and all activity instructions will be presented both verbally and in writing, and all visual content will be described. If you need simultaneous captions for the discussions, let us know in advance and we can make it happen. If you have any other access needs that we haven't covered here, please contact us so we can figure it out together:

The sliding-scale registration fee operates on the "honor system," to keep the workshop accessible to people with a range of means. We trust you to select the price category that's fair for you.

About the trainer:

Davey Shlasko, managing consultant of Think Again Training & Consulting, is an educator, author and consultant whose passion is facilitating adult learning about, and in the context of, social justice movements. Daveys favorite consulting projects live in the overlap between individual growth and organizational transformation. In addition to managing Think Again, Davey has authored several chapters in the Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice and Readings for Diversity and Social Justice series including curricula on classism, ableism, and cissexism (transgender oppression), and also teaches as a lecturer in Gender & Womens Studies at University of Wisconsin  Madison and in social theory and trans studies at Smith College School for Social Work. Davey has an M.Ed. in Social Justice Education from UMass, Amherst, and has been writing and teaching about social justice issues since 2000.

This training is cosponsored by Think Again Training & Consulting (www.thinkagaintraining.com) and Yoga Accessible For All (https://yafayoga.org/)
Opciones de registro
No hay fechas activas para este evento.


Zoom - online conference

Zona horaria: America/New_York
Informacion de acceso en linea
Zoom link and password will be emailed to all registrants. Please be sure to provide an accurate email address, and don't unsubscribe from event updates. This allows us to give you the Zoom link and password while minimizing the risk of disruptions from so-called "zoom bombers."



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