This training is designed to shed light on the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords while keeping an eye on displacement.
Participants will be able to * Identify a lack of housing protections * Discern between Direct and Indirect Gentrification * Know how to do research on potential landlords
The Housing Protections 301 Virtual Training is for anyone who wants to learn more about housing protections. All are welcome!
Training Details: This is a virtual training that takes place on Zoom. Once you get your ticket, you will receive the link to the event.
UbicaciónThis is a virtual event (you can connect by phone or video conference).
Zona horaria: America/New_York Informacion de acceso en linea Se le proporcionarán instrucciones para acceder al contenido digital de este evento. El organizador del evento determina cuándo y cómo se le entregan estas instrucciones. Para garantizar el acceso, utilice una dirección de correo electrónico actualizada y evite darse de baja de las actualizaciones por correo electrónico. Vea nuestro Centro de ayuda para más información.