Queen Mary Ghost Hunt
The most haunted ship in America and according to TIME Magazine one of the Top 10 Haunted Places, the Queen Mary is an elegantly terrifying destination with restless spirits still roaming her elaborate decks. The mysterious hauntings have gained the attention of several paranormal authors and bloggers as well as SyFy Channels Ghost Hunters, the Travel Channels Ghost Adventures, and Unsolved Mysteries. What exactly goes bump in the night aboard the stately ocean liner? The only way to find out is to join in the investigation!
From the Queen Marys maiden voyage on May 27, 1936 until she was docked at her new home off Long Island Beach, she carried within her hull the rich, famous, royalty and was even recognized as a wartime hero. You will walk the paths of Bob Hope, Clark Gable, Jackie Kennedy, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Dwight Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and many more. The romantic haunting of Tinsel Town and world-renowned dignitaries has left an eerie, star-like quality that resonates through the ornately decorated decks and whispers to her guests of an era long past.
During World War II, the Queen Mary left the world of civilian transatlantic travel to serve a more important role as the largest troopship of the time. Her ornate décor was covered with a camouflaged grey color and she adopted the moniker of the Grey Ghost. Slipping through the waters of the Atlantic in a zig-zag course, the Queen Mary eluded the German U-Boats with 765,429 military personnel during her years of service. Tragedy struck on one of her voyages as her escort vessel, the Curacoa, crossed her path and was torn in half, claiming the lives of 331 people left to fend for themselves in the shark infested waters. One of the haunting stories that has been experienced by many guests and staff of the Queen Mary is the sound of pounding on the hull believed to be the spirits of those men signaling to come aboard.
Another spirit that makes his presence known is that of John Pedder. The young crewman was crushed to death by watertight door #13 during a routine fire drill. A shadowy figure lurks in the engine room where the tragedy occurred. Guests have seen full-blown apparitions as well as captured strange EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon) that lead people to believe that the young man restlessly wanders the shaft alley. Was his demise the result of a prank gone wrong or just unfortunate timing? Maybe you will find the answer to this question!
You may also run into several spirits around the first-class swimming pool. The quartz ceiling is believed to provide energy that the spirits may draw from in order to manifest. The most frequently witnessed is that of a little girl affectionately called Jackie. She is said to have drowned in the second-class swimming pool when the Queen Mary was still in the midst of her transatlantic travel. Her little wet footprints are often found around the pool, shes been heard giggling and splashing around in the pool and several guests and staff members have seen her full-bodied apparition. Shes not the only one lingering around the pool deck. Others have seen the apparition of an older woman and another young girl clutching a teddy bear. Maybe youll have the opportunity to play with the children!
The pool changing rooms have a more tragic story surrounding the spirits that lurk in the shadows. A young woman named Sara was viciously attacked and brutally murdered. The female figure has been seen on multiple occasions and there are several recordings of her sobbing. Maybe you can help Sara seek justice for the horrible crime!
Perhaps the most infamous haunting is the poltergeist activity that occurs in the most haunted cabin on the ship, B340. Lights and water turning off and on of their own volition, covers being violently jerked from the bed off sleeping guests, a disembodied male voice screaming for people to GET OUT!is it the spirit of the ships purser that was supposedly murdered in the cabin or the criminally insane man that murdered his own 5-year-old daughter?
Full-bodied apparitions, shadow figures, disembodied voices, bone-chilling EVPs, objects movingthe Queen Mary is the pinnacle of every paranormal investigators careeryou dont want to miss out on this opportunity!
Itinerary 4:30 pm until 5:30pm (Meet and Greet)
5:30 pm until 7pm (Free time to explore this vast ship)
7pm (Meet At The Mauretania Room)
7:15pm until 8:15pm (Queen Mary Paranormal History)
8:30pm - 1:30am (Ghost Hunt Starts end time is approximate, depending on the evidence we are obtaining)
Which includes the following areas: The Engine Room, Boiler Room System, R-Deck Forward Bow Storage, Isolation Ward, Wheelhouse, Captain's Quarters, Propeller Box and Promenade Salons. This will be with The Ghost Hunts USA experienced Investigators. (Some area's if under maintenace may not be accesible)
01:30am (Free time to explore the ship should you wish)
Location History:
In 1930, Clydebank, Scotland became the birthplace of what was to become one of the most radiant ocean liners of her time, the Queen Mary. Originally known only as job #534, the Cunard Line spared no expense in her greatness and grandeur. Despite the setbacks of the Great Depression, the Queen Mary embarked on her maiden voyage from Southamption, England on May 27, 1936. As she set off across the Atlantic, the Queen Mary treated her voyagers with elegance in the form of five dining areas and lounges, two cocktail bars and swimming pools, a grand ballroom, a squash court and a hospital.
For 14 years, the Queen Mary carried celebrities, royalty and dignitaries that knew how to travel with style. Bob Hope, Clark Gable, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, Elizabeth Taylor, Greta Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Queen Elizabeth, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Dwight Eisenhower, Jackie Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Winston Churchill all took transatlantic passage on the fashionable and chic ship. The Queen Marys civilian service was abruptly ended with her docking in New York in September of 1939 as she would join a higher calling and purpose carrying troops during World War II.
Her elegant ornamentations were covered with a camouflaged grey color and the Queen Mary was affectionately given the moniker of the Grey Ghost due to her exceptional speed, ability to avoid the enemy stealthily through German invested waters and to hide among the waves with the assistance of her new coloring. The Queen Mary was able to transport 16,000 troops at 30 knots, making her the fastest and largest troopship of the time.
During her service, the Queen Mary was forced to follow a zigzag course in order to avoid the German U-Boats. Adolph Hitler offered the Iron Cross and a $250,000 reward to any U-Boat that could sink the Queen Mary but she proved more than a match for the German forces sailing 569,429 miles and transporting 765,429 military personnel. However, her efforts were not without loss. During one of her passages, the Queen Mary collided with her escort ship, the Curacoa. The smaller cruiser was found at fault for crossing into the zigzag course of the Queen Mary, but 331 people lost their lives as the Curacoa was torn in half.
Her service to the war was recognized as heroic. Winston Churchill said of the Queen Mary, Built for the arts of peace and to link the old world with the new, the Queens challenged the fury of Hitlerism in the battle of the Atlantic. Without their aid, the day of final victory must unquestionably have been postponed. Another important role she played for the war was transporting in over 13 voyages, 12,886 G.I. brides and children from war torn Europe to the safety of America.
With the end of the war, the Queen Mary was restored to her former glory and set off across the Atlantic on July 21, 1947. For the next two decades, she continued to offer the luxurious style of travel to the wealthy and famous. With the upsweep of airline travel, the Cunard Line decided to retire the noble ship. She embarked on her final voyage on October 31, 1967 arriving at her new home in Long Beach, California on December 9, 1967.
The Queen Mary now serves her guests with delectable cuisine and an opportunity to snuggle with a spirit! There have been several witnesses to the paranormal activities aboard her decks. And it should come as no surprise that spirits still linger about the elegant iron beauty. Throughout her existence there have been 49 recorded deaths, the tragedy of the Curacoa, and the imprint left by the harrowing memories of war.
On July 10, 1966, during a routine fire drill, 18-year-old crewmember, John Pedder, was crushed to death in watertight door #13. The stories around his early demise have ranged from a tragic accident to the crew members playing a game of chicken with the door during the fire drill. After his death, the shaft alley in the engine room took on a new feel. An apparition fitting his description has been seen wandering the area and strange EVPs (electronic voice phenomenon) have been captured. Is he restlessly seeking revenge for a misjudged prank?
You may also run into the spirit of young girl affectionately called Jackie. The sweet girl is said to have drowned in the second-class swimming pool when the Queen Mary was still in the midst of her transatlantic travel. Since that time, the second-class pool has been renovated into a theater but that doesnt seem to dissuade little Jackie from crossing class lines to appear around the first-class swimming pool. Her little wet foot prints are most often seen but the ghostly apparition of the little girl has been witnessed by several guests and staff members. Shes also been heard giggling, splashing and playing. Jackie isnt the only spirit that has been witness in the area. There have also been sightings of an older woman walking the pool deck and another little girl clutching a teddy bear. Maybe the quartz ceiling lends energy for the spirits to draw and that is why the area is so active.
The changing rooms have another tragic story of a young woman named Sara who was attacked and murdered. People have heard a woman sobbing and witnessed shadow figures slinking across the room. Is she still seeking justice for her untimely death?
Saras murder isnt the only one to have occurred aboard the Queen Mary. Perhaps the most infamous haunting is that of Cabin B340. Most often it is referred to as poltergeist activity, lights and water turning on and off of their own volition during the middle of the night and the covers of the bed being stripped off of guests. EVPs have also been captured of a male voice saying in no uncertain terms that he wants people to, Get out! There are two legends behind the haunting of the room is that Cabin B340 was used as a holding cell for a man who stalked his family and murdered his 5-year-old daughter. It is also rumored that the haunting can be attributed to the murder of the Queen Marys purser.
The Queen Mary boasts several more spirits that are simply waiting for you to come and discover their stories. You might meet the unfortunate call girl who was murdered in the night by her lover that mysterious disappeared or you may hear the banging and clanging on the side of the ship that could possibly be the victims of the Curacoa wanting to come aboard but left to die a salty death. There is no telling what new mysteries youll uncover aboard the infamous Queen Mary.
UbicaciónThe Queen Mary (Ver)
1126 Queens Hwy
Long Beach, CA 90802
United States
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