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Between Iran, Zion, and America
Center for Jewish History
10011, NY
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Between Iran, Zion, and America
This talk celebrates the new groundbreaking work of two social historians of Iranian Jewish life and community in the 20th century between immigrations and diasporas in Iran, Israel, and the US, paying tribute to the work of HIAS in helping Jews immigrate and resettle in the US in the years post the 1979 revolution in Iran.  

Leah Mirakhor is Lecturer in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration (ER&M) and the Program in American Studies at Yale University. Mirakhors writing has appeared in The Yale Review, The Los Angeles Times, The Los Angeles Review of Books, African American Review, The James Baldwin Review, and Studies in American Jewish Literature. Mirakhor is the author of After the Revolution to the War on Terror: Iranian Jewish American Literature in the United States, which appeared in Studies in American Jewish Literature 35.1 (2016).

Lior Sternfeld is a social historian of the modern Middle East with particular interests in Jewish (and other minorities) histories of the region. Sternfeld teaches at the Jewish Studies Program at Penn State University. Sternfelds new book, Between Iran and Zion: Jewish Histories of Twentieth Century Iran, examines the integration of the Jewish communities in Iran into the nation-building projects of the twentieth century. This book examines the development of the Iranian Jewish communities vis-à-vis ideologies and institutions such as Iranian nationalism, Zionism, and constitutionalism, among others.

AJHS has just finished procesing the records of the organization HIAS  The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the organization that helped families Iran, both Jewish and non-Jewish, immigrate and resettle in the US since the 1970s.


Center for Jewish History (Ver)
15 West 16th Street
10011, NY 10011
United States




Organizador: American Jewish Historical Society
En BPT desde: Jul 30, 2018
American Jewish Historical Society

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