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ASCE COPRI Seattle Chapter Monthly Dinner Meeting - Feb 22, 2017
Mirabella Seattle
Seattle, WA
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ASCE COPRI Seattle Chapter Monthly Dinner Meeting - Feb 22, 2017
Improving the Coos Bay Deep Draft Navigation Channel

The Oregon International Port of Coos Bay plans to widen and deepen the reaches of the Coos Bay Navigation Channel downstream of River Mile 8.5, and this presentation will provide an overview of the project, the steps being taken to implement their plan, and some of the technical aspects of the project.

Tom McCollough, P.E.

Tom McCollough, P.E. is a vice president and senior project manager in Moffatt & Nichols Seattle office.  Tom is the Design Manager for the Oregon International Port of Coos Bays Channel Modification Project Delivery Team.  His first design project in the Pacific Northwest was for a barge slip in Coos Bay, and the planning and design efforts for that project began in 1984.  Since that time Tom has worked on a wide variety of port and marine projects on the West Coast from Los Angeles to Anchorage and points in between and beyond.  He has been an active member of the ASCE/COPRI Ports and Harbors Committee since 1992, and that committee asked him to chair the PORTS 13 Conference held in Seattle during August of 2013.


Mirabella Seattle (Ver)
116 Fairview Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
United States



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Organizador: ASCE COPRI Seattle
En BPT desde: Sep 14, 2012
Younes Nouri


Eduardo S.
Golder Associates
Shoreline, WA United States
Feb 21, 2017 11:30 AM
Matt V.
Hart Crowser
Seattle, WA United States
Feb 21, 2017 11:18 AM
Brice E.
Hart Crowser
Seattle, WA United States
Feb 21, 2017 10:42 AM
Hilda L.
Moffatt & Nichol
Seattle, WA United States
Feb 21, 2017 9:41 AM
Carl M.
PND Engineers
Anchorage, AK United States
Feb 20, 2017 7:07 PM

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