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Story League Contest DC: The 1990s
Busboys and Poets
Washington, DC
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Advance sales for this Story League Contest have ended. A limited number of cash tickets will be available at the door on a first-come, first-served basis.


Story League Contest DC: The 1990s
NOTE: DC Story Contest has been moved up a week from our usual recurring 3rd Weds. of the month because of Thanksgiving!

IMPORTANT: Seating cannot be guaranteed for any ticket holder after 9:10. Line forms approx. 8:30 and doors open at 8:45.

RULES: Our 3 expert judges will consider all story submissions before the contest begins and decide which stories they most wish to hear.

Tellers have a maximum 7 minutes to tell a true story set in the 1990s.

At 6 minutes you will receive a signal that you only have 1 minute left.

The winner will be announced at the end of the night and will receive $100 cash as a prize. The audience will also select its favorite!

Submit your 100-word story synopsis here: http://www.storyleague.org/submit-your-story/ or fill out a card at the show.


Busboys and Poets (Ver)
2021 14th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
United States
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