Domingo Feb 08, 2015 2:00 PM - Domingo Feb 08, 2015 4:00 PM | Gratis - $85.00 |
First AFFGS Quarterly Education Meeting for 2015- Feb.8 from 2-4 pm
Adoptive Friends and Families of Greater Seattle (AFFGS) invites you and your family to join us for our first Quarterly Education Meeting of 2015 -- "Privacy vs. Secrecy: Helping Our Children Share Their Adoption Story."
The topic idea of Privacy vs. Secrecy comes from members discussing how important it is to protect our child's/children's adoption story, and allow the child, when ready, to share what s/he feels is appropriate or comfortable with classmates, teachers, teammates, coaches, etc. But we also recognize that parts of their story may contain information that needs to be private. From this, the takeaway for kids may be an element of secrecy, which may result in feelings of shame, guilt, grief, etc.
An added layer of complexity in this area comes when you look at this from a racial perspective. Some adoptive families "don't match" on the outside making their adoptive status transparent, and open to many questions and comments on a regular basis. On the flip side, here are adoptive families who look alike, and this can make it challenging for a child to feel comfortable about sharing their adoptive status.
Join AFFGS on Feb. 8th for this education opportunity and add some tools to your parenting toolbox, or for teen and tween adoptees, add some daily strategies for YOU. As parents and teen and tween adoptees, we want skills and knowledge to best support adoptees as they navigate the complexities of growing up adopted. Meeting is at the University Presbyterian Church and child care is available, $10 for one child and $15 for two or more.
Childcare is available for children 1 - 12 years old at a cost of $10 for the first child; $15 for two or more. Please, you MUST preregister for childcare. Space is limited.
Teens 13 and older are welcome to join us in the audience (and tweens if the parent believes appropriate). Teens 13 and older may sign up as helper in the childcare room. To sign up as a helper, please email "" and we will send you the details. Plan to arrive 15 minute early (at 1:45 pm) if your teen is signed up to be helper.
Event is free to members, $5 for non-members. Location (space generously donated): University Presbyterian Church GENEVA ROOM (on the second floor) 4540 15th Ave NE Seattle WA 98105 church phone number is 206.524.7300
Date: Sunday, February 8, 2015
Time: 2-4 pm
Childcare: $10 for first child; $15 for two or more. Ages 1-12.
Cost for the Panel Discussion: FREE for AFFGS Members; $5 for Non-Members with fee waived/credited if you join AFFGS (just $35 per year; $60 for 2 years, $85 for 3 years). Teens are welcome to attend the panel with a parent or can sign up as a helper in the childcare room.
Parking: Free parking on the street or in the church parking lots located north and west of the church building.
About AFFGS: We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit group supporting all types of adoptive families, including families formed through domestic adoptions, agency adoptions, independent adoptions, international adoptions and foster or kinship adoptions. We are 100% volunteer supported and we are not affiliated with any adoption agency or religious organization. Our goal is to empower adoptive families through community. Come join us!
UbicaciónUniversity Presbyterian Church (Ver)
4540 15th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States
Organizador: AFFGS |
En BPT desde: Ene 18, 2014 |
AFFGS Ed. Event - Connecting with Birth Families |