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Brown Paper Tickets API v1.0 - Change Price
URL: https://es.brownpapertickets.com/api/changeprice.html
Description: This portal is used to change event prices.
l - Login name for your Brown Paper Tickets account.
p - Password for your Brown Paper Tickets account.
e_number - Brown Paper Tickets' unique event tracking number. The event's e_number is returned when creating a new event and can also be found using the Event List feed.
price_id - Brown Paper Tickets' unique price tracking ID. The price's price_id is returned when creating a new price and can also be found using the Date Details feed.
price - This is the value of the price, not including service fee. This should be a floating point number. (Optional)
price_name - This is the name of the price. The most common value for price_names is "General". (Optional)
start_time - This is date and time at which this price will become available for sale. If not provided, this will default to start sales immediately. (Optional)
end_time - This is date and time at which this price will end. If not provided, this will default to end sales for this price when sales end for the date. This option cannot extend sales beyond the endtime for the date. (Optional)
max_sales - This is the maximum number of tickets to sell at this price. If not provided, or if set to 0, will default to allowing up to the maximum number of tickets allowed for the date. (Optional)
Outputs Returns a plain text 4-character result code and additional information when available. Follows the format: "Code:xxxx:Additional Information:" where "xxxx" is the result code. The possible 4 character codes are listed below.

1111 - Required variables are missing
2222 - Unknown error while fetching event info from DB
3333 - Event does not belong to user
4444 - Event can no longer be updated
5555 - Unknown error while fetching date info from DB
6666 - No such price for this event
9999 - Unknown error while posting info to DB
0000 - Success
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1-800-838-3006 (temporalmente no disponible)
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